Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Community Gardens

Every morning I drive down Davis Blvd on my way to work and watch the gardens in this community garden grow.  On Wednesday and Saturday mornings the gardeners are out in mass watering the garden, harvesting their crops and weeding.  The heat way during the summer really hit them hard.  As I wondered around the area I found a few unexpected Items.

This is their water source and the art work for the garden.  They have five water barrels setup to provide some water to the gardens as you can imagine with the drought we had this summer these water barrels were not in use to much.

This is the rest area for the garden I loved this area, the concept and they are constantly adding on to this area.  They also have master gardeners come for lectures and advice on what to plant and how to maintain the gardens.

I love the idea of the community garden and especially next to a church. Most churches have extra property for growth and activities.  For those churches who do not have immediate growth a community garden would be a great idea.  It would give those people in their church and in the area who can't grow a garden in their back yard due to not having one a way to participate in the garden growing process.  I would also be a great way to help support a local food back or church families that need some help.  If their corps are plentiful then they could also start selling the produce.